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"USE ME TILL YOU USE ME UP" Saul's conversion for use by God. Acts 22:6-10. In verse 10 Saul states, And I said, What shall I do, Lord? That's the question to you today, What will you do, to be used of the Lord? Gods word must be in your heart and in your mind for it to be effective in your life, and in others. This will able God to use you for his purpose concerning his will for you in this life, and how you become a light to others. God wants to use your spirit on earth to do his will he has for you as in heaven. Read Mathew 6:-10.

As it was up to Saul, it is now up to you. To allow God to transform you, as Saul, and use you by receiving within you the Holy Spirit. To instruct you, to lead you, and to guide you, in the direction he needs you to go for use by him. You can, not, achieve this by living your life with a carnal mind controlling your flesh. Romans 8:6-8 Read. This is the reason for Jesus death on the cross, To Help You Be Used of God by His Spirit. Read Galatians 2:20 Yes Amen!!! Also Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Now, is the time to stop running from God and begin to run to him. God will get his way in your life, for good or other wise, Romans 9:17-18 please read to understand what is being said here. Abandon dead works and get in tune with the work God has for you to do for him, for a change. Amen. Attitude, we need to project a positive attitude to get positive results, not the opposite. So let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, Philippians 2:5. You must renew your heart, mind, soul, and spirit within yourself by becoming, born again, through the Holy Spirit. John 3:5 Amen. This will help you acquire right thinking, or positive attitude. Read Romans 12:1-2. God can place in us the ability to succeed in whatever he has called us to do, as he did those in the Bible, yes he did, and yes he can.


Saul to Paul

You must dig down deep within yourself to grasp that will to be used of God, easy no possible yes. Remember also, faith makes things possible not easy. But, with God on our side it makes this effort much easier, through believing , trusting , obeying, and having faith in he who has called us. God can do with you what he has ordained you to do, Romans 8:28-30, Yes Amen. To get where you need to be in Gods eyes, you must create favor for yourself, as David did, by being obedient to Gods word. Favor of God is a good thing to have, ya think? Read Proverbs 8:35. You must speak out of your mouth and declare in the name of Jesus what you want God to do with you and for you, according to his will, in this life. And then, strive to achieve it, by walking by faith and not by sight to achieve what it is God wants to use you for to edify His Kingdom, His Church, in other words "GET IN WHERE YOU FIT IN"Amen.

Understand this is not according to what you want to do in the flesh, but what God wants you to do led by his Holy Spirit, that you may be used to perform his will. You must humble and deny yourself and your will in this life before God,this is the first step to serving God. Deny yourself take up your cross and follow after his son Jesus, as Saul did, who became Paul. Please Read Acts 20:24. Just think what God can do with you if what you want to do lines up with what he wants to use you to do for his church. If you decide not to fall in line with Gods will for you, you are walking contrary to God, and in that case he will walk contrary to you. Leviticus 26:21 Read. But, if you begin to walk according to his word, his will , and his ways, he will begin walking with you, and that's a good thing Amen, just how it was meant to be.

Once God prepares you he will move you into his purpose for you. 2 Timothy 1:9, Mathew 22:14. If your not prepared, your not chosen, again it's time for the running to stop, and time to make a decision. Choose you this day, this day, right now, because that's all we really have, whom you will serve, the choice is yours to make. Serve the prince of this world, death, or the God of eternal, life? If you make the right choice today you give God the ability to strengthen you , bless you, and most important, use you for his purpose and his grace, which was in Christ Jesus before the world began. Amen to that..

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