God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, and of
love (that casts out all fear), and of a sound mind, 2 Timothy 1:7. For
ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but ye have
received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father, Romans 8:15.
Questions: Have you received that Spirit of adoption? If not, why? And,
what are you afraid of? Afraid to become who God wants you to be, and
having to deny who you and the world think you are because you enjoy
that life more? That life being, bondage to the world and it's ways.
This is definitely a fear you need to avoid, and resist, it's a spirit
of fear given by the devil, and not from God. Fear that you are missing
out on something you really don't need, things of this world, the lust
of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
The spirit of
fear, "interferes" with spiritual thinking, and your focus on the
things of God, His kingdom, and His righteousness. The spirit of fear
lacks faith, and will deprive you of the faith, it takes to trust God to
supply all your needs to assist you in becoming who he has called you
to be. And that's the devils game plan, and has been from the creation
of man, to cause you to fear and to think that, what God has promised
you for your life purpose, will not happen. The devil caused Adam and
Eve to fear that God had not told them the truth, same as he is trying
to do to you, so they listened to him and obeyed his command, and not
Gods. Fearing they would not be able to become, who he (the devil), had
told them they could be, and what, now they believed, they could
become, like Gods.
Sound familiar, living in fear and bondage to the
world, trying to maintain a certain status, appearance, and the
character of a person that God did not intend for you to be, but you
did. Going places, and doing things, you knew you were not suppose to,
just to please the world, yourself, and others around you, and not doing
what pleases God, and fulfills His will for your life. Becoming who,
and what He has called you to be. (Read Genesis 3:1-10, verse 10 fear
enters into mans life) Notice the word, "interfere", broken down, "ENTER
FEAR", fear entered into the life of man when the devil showed up and
spoke the first lie ever, words that contradicted Gods words, again Eve
feared that God had lied to them. Never fear the truth of Gods Word,
(The fear of the truth of Gods Word, (The Bible), is going on more now
than ever before), fact is, it is impossible for God to lie, we must,
accept this fact. The devil though, is still in the lying business,
speaking falsehoods into your life and mind about you.

Words that
contradict what God thinks of you, and words opposite of what God, your
Father, has promised to do in you, with you, and for you. Thank God for
the Spirit of power, and of love, and of the sound mind of Jesus Christ,
who helps us, not fear, the lies of the devil, and this world. His
Spirit, gives us the ability to destroy the works of the devil, without
fearing the devil, Gods love for us casts out "ALL" that fear. That's
right, we do not have to fear the evil one (the devil) anymore, we can,
and must, gain the strength, boldness, and the ability to stand through
Jesus Christ Holy Spirit, and not be drawn away by the temptations of
sin in this world. He that committeth sin is of the devil, for the devil
sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Man (Jesus) was
manifest the he might destroy the works of the devil, 1 John 3:8. In
the book of Luke 10:19
Jesus states, Behold, I give unto you "POWER" to tred on serpents and
scorpions, and over "ALL" the power of the enemy, and "NOTHING" shall
"BY ANY MEANS" hurt you (fear not).
Question here is: Do you, believe,
what Jesus has stated in this scripture? And will you receive the power
that he has offered you? Jesus Christ has given us power, power over all
the power of the enemy, through His Holy Spirit within us. So we can
now, possess that Spirit that will cause us to, resist the devil, give
no place to the devil, and overcome the temptations the devil and this
world present daily, that we might fulfill Gods will for our lives,
fearless, and with boldness. There hath no temptation taken you but such
as is common to man. And God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be
tempted above that ye are able. But with the temptation, also "MAKE A
WAY TO ESCAPE", that ye may be able to bare it, 1 Corinthians 10:13.
So I ask you again, What are you afraid of? In the wilderness, Jesus
was not afraid, he told Satan "It is written", he resisted the devil,
and the devil fled. So, fear not, you can possess the weapons, and the
ability to do the same. So, take up your cross, deny yourself, take up
your sword of the Spirit (Bible), your helmet of salvation, and your
shield of faith, and stand and fight the evil one with the truths of
God, without fear of defeat, but with the confidence of victory. For God
has given strength to, stood by, and fought for, many, many prophets of
the bible: Why would he not do the same for you? Answer is, he will,
the battle is not yours it's Gods. So again, What are you afraid of? It
is written, Philippians 1:6, For I am "SURE" of this very thing, that He
(God), who began a good work in you will bring it "TO COMPLETION" at
the day of Jesus Christ. And that is only if, you be not discouraged,
and be not dismayed, nor be not afraid ("FEAR NOT"), and allow him to.
The wicked flee when no man persueth, but the righteous are "Bold as a
Lion" Proverbs 28:1, ("NO FEAR").
The story of Jonah, who God had
commanded to do a work for him and he refused and ran away, should of
taught us what happens when you run from Gods will, and purpose for you,
in fear. Instead of, allowing him to use us for his will, and for his
purpose, decided and determined way before the world was began, 2
Timothy 1:9. It's time to stop running, it's time to stop being afraid,
it's time to do what God has called "you", to do. God told Jeremiah in,
Jeremiah 1:8, Be not afraid of their faces (the devils and the worlds),
for "I Am", (God), with you to deliver you says the Lord. He told
Joshua, in Deuteronomy 31:6, Be strong and of good courage, ("FEAR
NOT"), nor be afraid of them (the devil and this world), for the Lord
thy God, he it is that doth go with thee, he will not fail thee, nor
forsake thee. So, as Paul states in Philippians 4:9, Those things which
ye have learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, "DO". And the
God of peace "SHALL BE WITH YOU". So, What are, "you", afraid of?
Because we know this, If God be for, "you", who can be against, "you"?
So, ("FEAR NOT"),
Amen to that : )